Collaborated with the stakeholders to co-facilitated a 3 days discovery sprint workshop at Genesys
Type of project
Discovery sprint workshop
Figma & Miro
My role
Workshop co-facilitator and designer
Participated in a 3 days long discovery workshop for a new project called ‘Consumption Portal’. This portal allows customers to manage their per-populated funds that they paid for service usages across all Genesys products. The customers will then see the funds decline based on record of usage of the products. Think of it as a a pre-paid phone plan.
Needs Statement
“As a customer, i want to manage my pre-populated funds within my dashboard. So that, i can track how much money i spent each month on specific application”
Workshop screens
Once ironed out the direction after completed 3 days of workshop - i created lo-fidelity interactive prototype and reviewed with the same participant group for final validation.
Hi-fidelity mockups
Final mock-up after validating the wire frame prototype with the customers via
Completed the entire project with flying colours within 7 working days!
Company’s resources saved in oppose to typical resources needed for this size of project
subscription increased within a month
Customers won by Genesys within 6 months of launch